year, more than a million kids will leave school without earning a high school
(Senior Grad 12 Cert) this is a “Silent Pandemic” leaving many uneducated which
ripple effects into unemployability and poverty.
late 2019s Covid19 has increased the number of school dropouts due to school
program stoppage, as well as many children being left unsupervised because of
parents working from home, poor health or because of them being orphaned. A
major problem facing girl school dropout is “teenage/unwanted pregnancies”
decision to drop out is not so much because of children choosing to do so
voluntarily but rather as a result of life pressures. Children are forced
especially child headed homes to help support their family financially or the
demands of caring for siblings or their own children. The not so
academically inclined sees no connection between “academic life” and "real
life”. They feel disconnected from their peers and from teachers and other
adults in the community. Schools also have very few resources to meet the
complex social, emotional and academic needs of their most vulnerable youth
simply because the work load and learner have increased dramatically over the
past decade. Boredom and disengagement
are two key reasons students drop out of school.
Bible College & Seminary is embarking on our “Educate to Graduate Program”
™ to assist the school dropout to find an interest once more in education. We
envisage empowering them in various important “Life Skill Programs” and
“Training & Development in Trade or Entrepreneurship”
· To build a network of support and to
connect parents to the program
· To identify the warning signs of at risk
teenager by cultivating relationships of trust with them
· To
assist with career coaching
· To
offer weekend and evening classes, providing students with flexible scheduling
· To
develop a "dropout prevention, intervention, and recovery plan"
· Adopt a Student-Centered Funding Model