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Each year, more than a million kids will leave school without earning a high school (Senior Grad 12 Cert) this is a “Silent Pandemic” leaving many uneducated which ripple effects into unemployability and poverty.


Since late 2019s Covid19 has increased the number of school dropouts due to school program stoppage, as well as many children being left unsupervised because of parents working from home, poor health or because of them being orphaned. A major problem facing girl school dropout is “teenage/unwanted pregnancies”


The decision to drop out is not so much because of children choosing to do so voluntarily but rather as a result of life pressures. Children are forced especially child headed homes to help support their family financially or the demands of caring for siblings or their own children. The not so academically inclined sees no connection between “academic life” and "real life”. They feel disconnected from their peers and from teachers and other adults in the community. Schools also have very few resources to meet the complex social, emotional and academic needs of their most vulnerable youth simply because the work load and learner have increased dramatically over the past decade. Boredom and disengagement are two key reasons students drop out of school.


ROC Bible College & Seminary is embarking on our “Educate to Graduate Program” ™ to assist the school dropout to find an interest once more in education. We envisage empowering them in various important “Life Skill Programs” and “Training & Development in Trade or Entrepreneurship”


      · To build a network of support and to connect parents to the            program

      · To identify the warning signs of at risk teenager by cultivating        relationships of trust with them

       ·  To assist with career coaching

       ·  To offer weekend and evening classes, providing students with      flexible scheduling

       ·  To develop a "dropout prevention, intervention, and recovery            plan"

       ·   Adopt a Student-Centered Funding Model     


ROC Bible College & Seminary

Distant learning for further expansion

Quality education does not need to be expensive. With our payment plans, studying has never been so easy. You can study anywhere, anytime and on any device. No need to travel to campus.
Life Mentoring

The need to progress in the Christian life and discipleship, to deepen one’s relationship with God and to work out holiness in living. Mentoring new leaders is a necessary and exciting task for theological and developments reasons

ROC Bible College & Seminary
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If you would like to give, show support.

We would really appreciate your support as we are a Non Profit Organisation (NPO)

Your support, time would really assist us by restoring our communities, by working together

To donate, our banking details below:

Account details

Account Name: ROC Bible College & Seminary

Bank Name: ABSA Cheque A/C

Account Number: 4096102486

Branch Number: 632005


Your Ref: ROChelp

If you would like to give of your time to assist us in our various provinces, please fill in the contact form below:


Small Groups

Small groups are a key aspect of our church community. Our groups are diverse and offer community for different seasons of life.


·         Women’s Fellowship

We endeavor to create an atmosphere where women can realize spiritual maturity and develop their leadership or entrepreneur skills in the local church, their community and the world. Women get together from all walks of life. We create opportunities for you to grow in relationship with God, establish new friendships, and use your God-given abilities to make a difference in your world. We anoint each other with the oil from our spiritual Alabaster Boxes and wipe each others feet with our tears. Join us on this Journey to Biblical Womanhood.

·         Men’s Fellowship

A place where "Men Mentor Men" we believe that Strong men sustains Strong communities. Our Aim is to become the best role models for our children particularly our sons. We are restoring each other as well as our children by the power of the Holy Spirit. We equip men to lead and cover their families. Fostering a brotherhood of faithful volunteers let us build one man at a time. A true father emulates what Jesus says - "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you" - Join us as we "Restore" the walls of our communities! Nehemiah 4:14

·         Couples Fellowship – Stronger Together

It is common knowledge that all couples need regular marriage enrichment. Our Couples’ Group is for married couples who are interested in growing in their faith in God together. Couples’ Fellowship usually meets monthly during and for special outings and get-togethers in the summer. All married couples are welcome!

women past m
ROC Women

·         ROC Worship Ministry

The primary purpose of the Worship Team is to Worship Christ in Spirit and in Truth and to lead others to do the same. Every service is filled with vibrant and diverse “live” Praise and Worship to suit the entire congregation. We use contemporary music and creative worship elements to convey Biblical principles.


·         Dance Ministry

Our call is to minister to the heart of God through the movement of our bodies and the humble giving of our gifts and talents to encourage the saints. We seeks to combine worship, intercession and spiritual warfare with movement.  We use Banners and Flags, Dance Ministry, Creative Drama, Mime Artist, Musicians, Painters, Singers and many other anointed artist, who minister through the fine arts. This ministry is complimentary to our "Worship".

·         Sound & Tech Ministry

Musicians & Techs are being formed and shaped through the weeks and years of serving together. This team incorporates all the aspects that come together to create an inspirational worship service—light, sound, drama, video, music, and more.


Children & Youth - (Restoring Our Children)

We value and embrace our youth. We support parents with children of all ages with our various programs. Our Programs includes summer camps.

·         ROC Kidz

All children ages 3-12 yrs old are invited to get involved in our exciting kids church program from 9.30am during our Worship Service. Together, let’s give your kids a better understanding of worship with Gods Heartbeat.

·        ROC Junior & Senior Youth

Juniors - 13-15yrs

Seniors – 16yrs & above.

Fellowship - Friday evening at 19h00 in a safe environment. We are a diverse but vibrant group of young boys and girls "Radical for Jesus Christ". We love the Lord, we have fun yet we do not compromise His Word in our lives. We engage youngsters in stimulating activities, drama, talks and hearty debates. We help you level the plains where things have become rocky because we "Build Upon the Rock". 

·         ROC 911 (Rescue Our Children)

ROC 911 is a project launched for youth at risk and troubled teens. It provides help for real life challenges in a structured environment. We foster positive development and well-being for troubled youth and teens. Our target market are children and youth, ages 12 - 25yrs of age from all walks of life irrespective of race, religious preference or gender. Ages above the stipulated, seeking our help will not be turned away but counseled by qualified and registered counselors as well as referred to our Networking Partners.

ROC Kids

Prayer & Care

·        Intercessory

We’d love to pray with you! Please complete the prayer request form below to submit your prayer request and our prayer team will pray for you this week.

·        Counseling

ROC FMI provides faith-based Biblical counseling to those seeking God's answers to the questions and problems in their lives. Support is provided on a wide variety of topics such as health, relationships, anxiety, depression, grief, career, finances, racial challenges etc - Our Certified Biblical Counselors are available Mon – Fri between 10am and 15h00 and by appointment only Sat 10am – 12h30


·        Evangelism – (Restoring Our Cities)

Evangelization is at the heart of our Church. We are passionate about fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) to preach the Gospel to all nations. Our outreach programs are focused on making an impact on a community. Faith in Motion is committed to the public proclamation of the Gospel on trains, buses, taxis, and one-on-one street ministry. Evangelism is the God given mandate of every Christian and we endeavor to train, inspire, encourage and exhort all believers to share their faith with the unsaved. Proverbs 11:30 reads, “Those who win souls are wise!”

·       Church Planting

One Church many Locations. With one shared vision and values, shared governance but locally unique elements, our churches are one church with unique expressions, just like members of a real family. Contact Head Office on 011 477 4922 / for a location near you. 




“You Belong Here”

Whether you’re just having a look, or are searching out for a place to worship, we’re delighted to have you here. You were created for “community”




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Need to speak to someone.At ROC FMI we have qualified and accredited Counsillors. Ready to speak with you

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On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled.

100 Princess Road, Claremont, Johannesburg
+2711 477 4922

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About Us

Welcome to a place of Restoration

ROC Faith Ministries International (ROC FMI) is a Church with a heart for our communities. We are fast growing Church in many locations. Together with a great team of leaders, ROC FMI is led by Apostles Sam & Dr Eugeny Maraba, with each congregation having its own local Branch Pastor. We are called to equip and empower our communities through the powerful unchanging Word of God without compromise. 

Our pursuit of restoration

·         To restore relationships between God and humanity

·         To promote healthy behaviors by approaching a lifestyle change with a strong Biblical foundation

·         To co-labor with Jesus to make all things new

Apostels Sem and Dr Eugeny Maraba


Apostles Sam and Dr Eugeny Maraba are the Founders/Visionaries and Apostles of ROC Faith Ministries International located in Gauteng, SA founded in 2009. They are church planters overseeing eight branches. They are also the Founders of ROC Bible College & Seminary. They are married for 41yrs, blessed with two children Creshenda and Elgero, a daughter in love Nicole and two grand-princesses U’jeaney and Tehila. The Apostles are in ministry for 34 years. They embody the qualities delineated in 1Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9; love the Lord deeply and are committed to His Scriptures and teaches them.

College Campuses
On-line Follows
Apostle Dr. Eugeny Maraba

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.

Apostle SAM Maraba

Apostle Sam Maraba is passionate about the ministry and is actively involved in empowering and counseling young boys and men addicted to drugs and alcohol. His desire is to restore the headship in the home and being a role model to the fatherless in the community. His wisdom and gentle nature is incredibly valued and has enabled the ministry to grow and increase in many ways. He also serves as Principal and Lecturer at ROC Bible College & Seminary.

Apostle Sam has a great passion for music, is a musician  as well, and loves working with youngsters.


Our Statement of Faith

Our Faith

A. The Bible. We believe that the Bible, consisting of the Old and New Testaments, is the inspired and inerrant Word of God and is the final authority for Christian faith and life.

B. The Trinity. We believe that there is but only one true and living God who exists in the past, the present, and forever throughout eternity in the Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

C. God the Father. We believe there is only one God, who created, preserves, and rules over the universe. The historical account of creation found in Genesis declares that God is the personal and direct Creator of all that exists, including the first humans Adam and Eve, from whom all human beings have come.

D. God the Son: Jesus Christ. We believe in the deity of Christ (John 10:33); His virgin birth (Isa. 7:14, Matt 1:23, Luke 1:35); His sinless life (Heb. 4:15, 7:26); His miracles (John 2:11); His vicarious and atoning death (1 Cor. 15:3, Eph. 1:7, Heb. 2:9); His resurrection (John 11:25, I Cor. 15:4); His ascension to the right hand of the Father (Mark 16:19); His personal return in power and glory (Acts 1:11, Revelation 19:11).

E. Holy Spirit. We believe that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and is fully divine. He convicts individuals of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment, and He enables believers to comprehend God’s truth as revealed in Scripture. He indwells and empowers believers for godly service, for worship, and for witness.

F. Baptism and the Lords Supper. We believe that baptism and the Lord’s Supper are the two sacraments of the church. They must be observed under the discipline of the local church. They do not have any saving merit. (Acts 2:41-47; 8:36-39; Romans 6:3-5; 1 Corinthians 11:23-28)

Daily Prayers

G. Salvation. We believe God offers eternal life as a free gift through His Son Jesus Christ and that it must be received by faith alone through God’s grace alone.(Eph 2:8-9)

H. The Church. We believe that Jesus Christ is Head of the church, comprised of all true believers in Him. Christians are to associate themselves as members of local churches and to serve Jesus Christ faithfully in carrying out the Great Commission. Each church has the authority and right from Jesus Christ to govern itself and to administer order, to worship, and to carry out its various ministries.

I. Evangelism and Missions. We believe that it is the privilege and duty of all believers to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ personally and by all methods in harmony with Holy Scripture. A Christ-centered education includes the ongoing integration of biblical faith into every academic discipline of the University. All subject matter is to be approached, presented, and evaluated from a biblical worldview

J. Last Things. In accord with biblical prophecy, we believe that God will bring the world to its appropriate end, that Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth, that the dead will be raised, and that Christ will judge all humanity in righteousness. Unbelievers will be consigned to the place of everlasting punishment, while the redeemed in their resurrected and glorified bodies will dwell forever with the Lord in Heaven..

Continuous Teaching

K. Life of the Believer. We believe that Christians should be consistent with Scripture in their character and in their conduct. We believe that the Bible is our supreme authority and that it provides the moral and ethical principles for personal conduct within and outside the academic community.


Spiritual Family

We believe all Christians should belong to a “Spiritual Family”, where they are sons and daughters not “Members”. The complete picture of this family is that of a Holy Nation that exists as one united functioning Body under Christ's headship that displays the Kingdom of God in the earth (Psalm 133)